
Thursday, 5 July 2012

Sikkim Manipal university MCA Second Feb-2011 Solved Assignment


Master of Computer Application (MCA)

NAME: Vivek Kumar Rai
Assignment of second semester Feb-2011
Fully Solved
ph:- 8880583241

February 2011
Master of Computer Application (MCA) – Semester 2
MC0066 – OOPS using C++
Assignment Set – 1 

1. Write a program in C++ for matrix multiplication. The program should accept the
dimensions of both the matrices to be multiplied and check for compatibility with appropriate
messages and give the output

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

int main()

ifstream infile("<strong class="highlight">MATRIX</strong>.dat");
ofstream outfile ("RESULT.dat");

int m1[6][6], m2[6][6], M[6][6];
int i=0, j=0;

<strong class="highlight"><vb_highlight>for</strong></vb_highlight> (i=0; i<6; i++)
<strong class="highlight"><vb_highlight>for</strong></vb_highlight> (j=0; j<6; j++)
M[i][j] = m1[0][j]*m2[i][0];
cout<<M[i][j]<<" ";4. What is the purpose of exception handling? How do you infer from the phrase, “Throwing
an exception”?.
} cout<<endl;
infile.close ();
outfile.close ();
return 0;


2. Write a program to check whether a string is a palindrome or not. Please note that palindrome is one which remains the same if you reverse the characters in the string. For example "MADAM".
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int main()
char str[100];
cout << "Enter word :";
cin >> str;
int x = strlen(str)-1;
for(int i = 0; i <= x; i++)
if (str[i] == str[x-i])
cout<<"Not a palidrome"<<endl;
return 0;
cout << "Indeed Palidrome"<<endl;
return 0;

  1. What is structure in C++? Define a structure named product with elements product code, description, unit price and qty in hand. Write a C++ program that implements the structure and enables to store at least 100 product data.
Answer: A structure type is a user-defined composite type. It is composed of fields or members that can have different types. In C++, a structure is the same as a class except that its members are public by default.
Using a Structure
In C, you must explicitly use the struct keyword to declare a structure. In C++, this is unnecessary once the type has been defined.
You have the option of declaring variables when the structure type is defined by placing one or more comma-separated variable names between the closing brace and the semicolon.
Structure variables can be initialized. The initialization for each variable must be enclosed in braces.

struct Product {
char mfg_id[4]; // 4 char code for the manufacturer.
char prod_id[8]; // 8-char code for the product
int price; // price of the product in dollars.
int qty_on_hand; // quantity on hand in inventory

Product prods[100]; // array to hold up to 100 products
int n = 0; // number of products in the array.

while (cin >> prods[n].mfg_id >> prods[n].prod_id
>> prods[n].price >> prods[n].qty_on_hand) {

  1. What is the purpose of exception handling? How do you infer from the phrase, “Throwing an exception”?.
Answer: An exception is a situation in which a program has an unexpected circumstance that the section of code containing the problem is not explicitly designed to handle. In C++, exception handling is useful because it makes it easy to separate the error handling code from the code written to handle the chores of the program. Doing so makes reading and writing the code easier.
The designers of C++, Bell labs, extended it with exception handling structures. The commands being used relate closely to the terms used in exception handling (described above). The block of code you want to try starts with specifying the try command and surrounding the block with curly braces. Within this block, you can throw any occurring errors with the throw command. You must specify an error and this should be a class but we will get to this later. Immediately after the try-block is closed, the catch-block starts. Here the error handling code is placed. The following piece of pseudo code will show the idea:
try {___...___...___throw Exception()___...___...
} catch( Exception e )

In this example, Exception is a defined class with a constructor with no parameters (as identified by the throw-call). It would be useful to have some info on what kind of error occurred. This could be done in two ways. We could define different exception-classes and throw them according to which error occurred. We also could give the class a parameter containing an error message and allow the class to display the message.

February 2011
Master of Computer Application (MCA) – Semester 2
MC0067 – Database Management System
(DBMS and Oracle 9i)
Assignment Set – 1

  1. Write about:
  • Linear Search
  • Collision Chain

Linear search
Answer: Linear search, also known as sequential search, means starting at the beginning of the data and checking each item in turn until either the desired item is found or the end of the data is reached.
For each item in the database
if the item matches the wanted info
exit with this item
Continue loop
wanted item is not in database
Linear search - code.
There are two common forms of code for linear search. The difference is what is returned as the result of the search. sometimes the data itself is returned. essentially a database query
sometimes the location of the data is returned. preparatory to a database update Return the data itself

function findstudent (adfa:in adfaresults; -- databasefindname:in snames) -- value sought
return students
is empty:students; -- null value, in case not found
for division in adfa'RANGE loop
for student in divresults'RANGE loop
if (adfa(division)(student).detail.sname=findname)then
return adfa(division)(student);
end if;
end for loop;
end for loop;
return empty;
end findstudent;

Collision Chain :
Answer: A Hash table is one of the simplest index structures which a database can implement. The major components of a hash index are the "hash function" and the "buckets". Effectively the DBMS constructs an index for every table you create that has a PRIMARY KEY attribute, like:

CREATE TABLE test ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name varchar(100));
In table test, we have decided to store 4 rows...
insert into test values (1,'Gordon');
insert into test values (2,'Jim');
insert into test values (4,'Andrew');
insert into test values (3,'John');

The algorithm splits the places which the rows are to be stored into areas. These areas are called buckets. If a row's primary key matches the requirements to be stored in that bucket, then that is where it will be stored. The algorithm to decide which bucket to use is called the hash function. For our example we will have a nice simple hash function, where the bucket number equals the primary key. When the index is created we have to also decide how many buckets there are.

    2.Write about:
  • Integrity Rules
  • Relational Operators with examples for each
  • Linear Search
  • Collision Chain

Integrity Rules.

Answer: These are the rules which a relational database follows in order to stay accurate and accessible. These rules govern which operations can be performed on the data and on the structure of the database.
There are three integrity rules defined for a relational database, which are:-

1. Distinct Rows in a Table - this rule says that all the rows of a table should be distinct to avoid in ambiguity while accessing the rows of that table. Most of the modern database management systems can be configured to avoid duplicate rows.
2. Entity Integrity (A Primary Key or part of it cannot be null) - this rule says that 'null' is special value in a relational database and it doesn't mean blank or zero. It means the unavailability of data and hence a 'null' primary key would not be a complete identifier. This integrity rule is also termed as entity integrity.
  1. Referential Integrity - this rule says that if a foreign key is defined on a table then a value matching that foreign key value must exist as the primary key of a row in some other table.

Relational Operators with examples for each

Answer: Relational database supports basic database operations in order to provide useful means for retrieving or manipulating data in tables. Because the relational model has its mathematical basis upon the relational theory (by thinking tables assets or relations), the supported database operators conform to existing operators in relational algebra.
In fact, a relational database software implementation, called DBMS, is said to have higher degree of relational completeness depending upon the extent to which relational algebra operators are supported.
In total there are eight operators are found in relational theory, namely SELECT, PROJECT, JOIN, and INTERSECT, UNION, DIFFERENCE, PRODUCT and DIVIDE. Minimally speaking, a DBMS implementation is said to be relational if it supports at least the key relational operators, namely SELECT, PROJECT, and JOIN. Very few DBMSs are capable of supporting all eight relational operators. Use of relational algebra operators on existing tables (relations) results in outcomes look like new relations. This characteristic lets the user recursively applying the operators among the operator outcomes.

Linear search

Answer: Linear search, also known as sequential search, means starting at the beginning of the data and checking each item in turn until either the desired item is found or the end of the data is reached.
For each item in the database
if the item matches the wanted info
exit with this item
Continue loop
wanted item is not in database
Linear search - code

There are two common forms of code for linear search. The difference is what is returned as the result of the search.
sometimes the data itself is returned.
essentially a database query
sometimes the location of the data is returned.
preparatory to a database update
Return the data itself

function findstudent (adfa:in adfaresults; -- database
findname:in snames) -- value sought
return students
empty:students; -- null value, in case not found
for division in adfa'RANGE loop
for student in divresults'RANGE loop
if (adfa(division)(student).detail.sname=findname)then
return adfa(division)(student);
end if;
end for loop;
end for loop;
return empty;
end findstudent;

Collision Chain :

Answer: A Hash table is one of the simplest index structures which a database can implement. The major components of a hash index are the "hash function" and the "buckets". Effectively the DBMS constructs an index for every table you create that has a PRIMARY KEY attribute, like: Linear Search: Linear search is an important process of Hashing. While inserting a new record, if it is found that the location at the hash address is already occupied by a previously inserted record, search for the next free location available at the disk and store the record at this location. A pointer from the first record at the original hash address to the new record will also be stored. During retrieval, the hash address is computed to locate the record. When it is seen that the record is not available at the hash address, the pointer from the record of that address is followed to locate the required record. In this method, the overhead incurred is the time taken for the linear search to locate the next free location while inserting a record.
Collision Chain: Unlike the linear search in collision chain, the hash address location contains the head of a list of pointers linking together all records which hash to that address. In this method the overflow area needs to be used if the number of records mapping on the same address exceeds the number of locations linked to it.
Integrity Rules: The following are the integrity rules which must be satisfied by every relation.
No component of the Primary key can be null.
The database must not contain any unmatched foreign key values. This is called referential integrity rule.
Unlike the case of Primary keys there are no integrity rules, seeing that no component of foreign keys can be null.
Types of Relational Operators:
Traditional Set Operators
Example: S1={1,2,3,4,5}, S1={4,5,6,7,8}
S1UnionS2= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}
Example: S1={1,2,3,4,5}, S1={4,5,6,7,8}
S1IntersectionS2= {4, 5}
Example: S1={1,2,3,4,5}, S1={4,5,6,7,8}
S1-S2= {1, 2, 3}
Cartesian Product
Example: S1= {1, 2, 3} S2= {4, 5, 6}
S1XS2={(1, 4), (1, 5), (1, 6), (2, 4), (2, 5), (2, 6), (3, 4), (3, 5), (3, 6)
Special Operators
Selection: The selection operator yields a horizontal subset of a given relation that is, that subset of tuples or rows of table should be selected with in a given relation for which a particular condition is satisfied. In simple words it selects rows with all the columns.
Projection: The projection operation on a table simply forms another table by copying specified columns from the original table, eliminating any duplicate row. The projection operator yields a vertical subset of a given relation- that is, the subset obtained by selecting specified attributes, in a specified left to right order and then eliminating duplicate tuples.
Join: the most general form of join used is called as theta join, where theta has the same meaning as “compare with”. That is, it stands for any of the comparative operators equal, not equal, greater than and so forth. Theta join is performed on two relations, which have one or more columns in common.
Division: The division operator divides a dividend relation A of degree m+n by a divisor relation B of degree n, and produces a resultant relation of degree m.
Linear Search: Linear search is an important process of Hashing. While inserting a new record, if it is found that the location at the hash address is already occupied by a previously inserted record, search for the next free location available at the disk and store the record at this location. A pointer from the first record at the original hash address to the new record will also be stored. During retrieval, the hash address is computed to locate the record. When it is seen that the record is not available at the hash address, the pointer from the record of that address is followed to locate the required record. In this method, the overhead incurred is the time taken for the linear search to locate the next free location while inserting a record.
Collision Chain: Unlike the linear search in collision chain, the hash address location contains the head of a list of pointers linking together all records which hash to that address. In this method the overflow area needs to be used if the number of records mapping on the same address exceeds the number of locations linked to it.
Correspondences between the ER model constructs and the relational model constructs:
E-R Model
Relational Model
Entity type
Entity” relation
1:1 or 1:N relationship type
Foreign key(or “Relationship” relation)
M:N relationship type
Relationship”relation and two foreign keys
n-ary relationship type
Relationship” relation and n- foreign keys
Simple Attribute
Composite Attribute
Set of simple component Attributes
Multivalued Attributes
Relation and foreign key
Value Set
Key Attribute
Primary (or Secondary) key
There are several options for mapping a number of subclasses that together form a specialization (or alternatively, that are generalized into a superclass), such as the {SECRETARY, TECHNICIAN, ENGINEER} subclasses of EMPLOYEE We can add a further step to our ER-to-relational mapping algorithm, which has seven steps, to handle the mapping of specialization. Step 8, which follows, gives the most common options; other mappings are also possible. We then discuss the conditions under which each option should be used. We use Attrs(R) to denote the attributes of relation R, and PK(R) to denote the primary key ofR.
Options for Mapping Specialization or Generalization: Convert each specialization with m subclasses {S,, S2, • • •, Sm} and (generalized) superclass C, where the attributes of C are {k, a,, ... a,,} and k is the (primary) key, into relation schemas using one of the four following options
Multiple relations – Superclass and subclasses: Create a relation L for C with attributes Attrs(L) = {k, at,. .., an} and PK(L) = k. Create a relation L; for each subclass S,, 1 < i < m, with the attributes Attrs(LJ = {k} U {attributes of SJ and PK(L,) = k. This option works for
any specialization (total or partial, disjoint or over-lapping).
Multiple relations – Subclass relations only: Create a relation L, for each subclass S;, 1 < i < m, with the attributes Attrs(L>) = {attributes of SJ U {k, a{, . . ., a,,} and PK(L,) = k. This option only works for a specialization whose subclasses are total (every entity in the superclass must belong to (at least) one of the subclasses).
Single relation with one type attribute: Create a single relation L with attributes Attrs(L) = {k, a,, .... a,,} U {attributes of S,} U . . . U {attributes of SJ U {t} and PK(L) = k. The attribute t is called a type (or discriminating) attribute that indicates the subclass to which each tuple belongs, if any. This option works only for a specialization whose subclasses are disjoint, and has the potential for generating many null values if many specific attributes exist in the subclasses.
Single relation with multiple type attributes: Create a single relation schema L with attributes Attrs(L) = {k, a,,..., a,} U {attributes of S,} U .. .U {attributes of S,J U {t,, t2,..., tm} and PK(L) = k. Each t,, 1 < i < m, is a Boolean type attribute indicating whether a tuple belongs to subclass S,. This option works for a specialization who sesubclasses are overlapping (but will also work for a disjoint specialization).
a) Disk: Disk storage or disc storage is a general category of storage mechanisms, in which data are digitally recorded by various electronic, magnetic, optical, or mechanical methods on a surface layer deposited of one or more planar, round and rotating platters. A disk drive is a device implementing such a storage mechanism with fixed or removable media; with removable media the device is usually distinguished from the media as in compact disc drive and the compact disc. Notable types are the hard disk drive (which contain a non-removable disc), the floppy disk drive and its removable floppy disk, various optical disc drives and associated media.
b) Disk Pack: A Disk pack is a layered grouping of hard disk platters (circular, rigid discs coated with a magnetic data storage surface). Disk pack is the core component of a hard disk drive. In modern hard disks, the disk pack is permanently sealed inside the drive. In many early hard disks, the disk pack was a removable unit, and would be supplied with a protective canister featuring a lifting handle.
The protective cover consisted of two parts, a clear plastic shell, with a handle in the center, that enclosed the top and sides of the disks and a separate bottom that completed the sealed package. To remove the disk pack, the drive would be taken off line and allowed to spin down. Its access door could then be opened and an empty top shell inserted and twisted to unlock the disk platter from the drive and secure it to the top shell. The assembly would then be lifted out and the bottom cover attached. A different disk pack could then be inserted by removing the bottom and placing the disk pack with its top shell into the drive. Turning the handle would lock the disk pack in place and free the top shell for removal.
c) Track: Cylinders contain tracks, which are circular paths on the surface of a disk or diskette on which information is magnetically recorded and from which recorded information is read. Tracks are in count-key-data (CKD) format, which means that each track contains fields that indicate the start of the track and the space used, followed by records containing three fields:
The count field defines the length of the record
The key field contains optional accounting information
d) Blocks: Records can be grouped into data blocks, which are the units of recording on disk. Blocking makes processing more efficient because z/OS can access an entire block at once instead of reading or writing records individually. Block size (abbreviated as BLKSIZE) is the physical block size written on the disk for fixed (F) and fixed block (FB) records. For variable and undefined (V, VB, and U) records, block size is the maximum physical block size that can be used for the data set.
e) Cylinder: A disk drive contains cylinders. A cylinder is a unit of storage on a count-key-data (CKD) device with a fixed number of tracks.
f) Sector: A sector is a subdivision of a track on a magnetic disk or optical disc. Each sector stores a fixed amount of user data. Traditional formatting of these storage media provides space for 512 bytes (for magnetic disks) or 2048 bytes (for optical discs) of user-accessible data per sector. Newer hard drives use 4096 byte (4 KB or 4K) Advanced Format sectors.
g) Inter Block Gap: In a typical format, data is written to tape in blocks with inter-block gaps between them, and each block is written in a single operation with the tape running continuously during the write. However, since the rate at which data is written or read to the tape drive is not deterministic, a tape drive usually has to cope with a difference between the rate at which data goes on and off the tape and the rate at which data is supplied or demanded by its host.
h) read/write head: Disk read/write heads are the small parts of a disk drive, that move above the disk platter and transform platter's magnetic field into electrical current (read the disk) or vice versa – transform electrical current into magnetic field (write the disk). The heads have gone through a number of changes over the years.

CREATE TABLE test ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name varchar(100));

In table test, we have decided to store 4 rows...
insert into test values (1,'Gordon');
insert into test values (2,'Jim');
insert into test values (4,'Andrew');
insert into test values (3,'John');

The algorithm splits the places which the rows are to be stored into areas. These areas are called buckets. If a row's primary key matches the requirements to be stored in that bucket, then that is where it will be stored. The algorithm to decide which bucket to use is called the hash function. For our example we will have a nice simple hash function, where the bucket number equals the primary key. When the index is created we have to also decide how many buckets there are.

  1. Discuss the correspondences between the ER model constructs and the relational model constructs. Show how each ER model construct can be mapped to the relational model, and discuss any alternative mappings.

Answer: There are several options for mapping a number of subclasses that together form a specialization (or alternatively, that are generalized into a superclass), such as the {SECRETARY, TECHNICIAN, ENGINEER} subclasses of EMPLOYEE We can add a further step to our ER-to-relational mapping algorithm, which has seven steps, to handle the mapping of specialization. Step 8, which follows, gives the most common options; other mappings are also possible. We then discuss the conditions under which each option should be used. We use Attrs(R) to denote the attributes of relation R, and PK(R) to denote the primary key ofR.
Options for Mapping Specialization or Generalization: Convert each specialization with m subclasses {S,, S2, • • •, Sm} and (generalized) superclass C, where the attributes of C are {k, a,, ... a,,} and k is the (primary) key, into relation schemas using one of the four following options

Option 8A: Multiple relations – Superclass and subclasses: Create a relation L for C with attributes Attrs(L) = {k, at,. .., an} and PK(L) = k. Create a relation L; for each subclass S,, 1 < i < m, with the attributes Attrs(LJ = {k} U {attributes of SJ and PK(L,) = k. This option works for
any specialization (total or partial, disjoint or over-lapping).

Option 8B: Multiple relations – Subclass relations only: Create a relation L, for each subclass S;, 1 < i < m, with the attributes Attrs(L>) = {attributes of SJ U {k, a{, . . ., a,,} and PK(L,) = k. This option only works for a specialization whose subclasses are total (every entity in the superclass must belong to (at least) one of the subclasses).

Option 8C: Single relation with one type attribute: Create a single relation L with attributes Attrs(L) = {k, a,, .... a,,} U {attributes of S,} U . . . U {attributes of SJ U {t} and PK(L) = k. The attribute t is called a type (or discriminating) attribute that indicates the subclass to which each tuple belongs, if any. This option works only for a specialization whose subclasses are disjoint, and has the potential for generating many null values if many specific attributes exist in the subclasses.

Option 8D: Single relation with multiple type attributes: Create a single relation schema L with attributes Attrs(L) = {k, a,,..., a,} U {attributes of S,} U .. .U {attributes of S,J U {t,, t2,..., tm} and PK(L) = k. Each t,, 1 < i < m, is a Boolean type attribute indicating whether a tuple belongs to subclass S,. This option works for a specialization who sesubclasses are overlapping (but will also work for a disjoint specialization).

  1. Define the following terms: disk, disk pack, track, block, cylinder, sector, interblock gap, read/write head.
Disk: Disk storage or disc storage is a general category of storage mechanisms, in which data are digitally recorded by various electronic, magnetic, optical, or mechanical methods on a surface layer deposited of one or more planar, round and rotating platters. A disk drive is a device implementing such a storage mechanism with fixed or removable media; with removable media the device is usually distinguished from the media as in compact disc drive and the compact disc. Notable types are the hard disk drive (which contain a non-removable disc), the floppy disk drive and its removable floppy disk, various optical disc drives and associated media.

Disk Pack:-A Disk pack is a layered grouping of hard disk platters (circular, rigid discs coated with a magnetic data storage surface). Disk pack is the core component of a hard disk drive. In modern hard disks, the disk pack is permanently sealed inside the drive. In many early hard disks, the disk pack was a removable unit, and would be supplied with a protective canister featuring a lifting handle.
The protective cover consisted of two parts, a clear plastic shell, with a handle in the center, that enclosed the top and sides of the disks and a separate bottom that completed the sealed package. To remove the disk pack, the drive would be taken off line and allowed to spin down. Its access door could then be opened and an empty top shell inserted and twisted to unlock the disk platter from the drive and secure it to the top shell. The assembly would then be lifted out and the bottom cover attached. A different disk pack could then be inserted by removing the bottom and placing the disk pack with its top shell into the drive. Turning the handle would lock the disk pack in place and free the top shell for removal.


A ring on a disk where data can be written. A typical floppy disk has 80 (double-density) or 160 (high-density) tracks. For hard disks, each platter is divided into tracks, and a single track location that cuts through all platters (and both sides of each platter) is called a cylinder. Hard disks have many thousands of cylinders.
Each track is further divided into a number of sectors. The operating system and disk drive remember where information is stored by noting its track and sector numbers.

Block:-A block is a contiguous set of bits or bytes that forms an identifiable unit of data. The term is used in database management, word processing, and network communication.
1) In some databases, a block is the smallest amount of data that a program can request. It is a multiple of an operating system block, which is the smallest amount of data that can be retrieved from storage or memory. Multiple blocks in a database comprise an extent.
  1. In word processing, a block is a contiguous set of characters. Often it consists of a phrase, a sentence, a paragraph, or a set of paragraphs that is selected by the user for copying/pasting, cutting, or moving. But a block can consist of any contiguous set of characters, whether or not it forms a logical unit of text.
  2. In network communication, a block is a group of data bits or bytes that is transferred as a standard unit. The size (or length) of such a block depends on the communications protocol.
Cylinder:-A single track location on all the platters making up a hard disk. For example, if a hard disk has four platters, each with 600 tracks, then there will be 600 cylinders, and each cylinder will consist of 8 tracks (assuming that each platter has tracks on both sides).

The smallest unit that can be accessed on a disk. When a disk undergoes a low-level format, it is divided into tracks and sectors. The tracks are concentric circles around the disk and the sectors are segments within each circle. For example, a formatted disk might have 40 tracks, with each track divided into 10 sectors. The operating system and disk drive keep tabs on where information is stored on the disk by noting its track and sector number.
Modern hard disk drives use a technique called zoned-bit recording in which tracks on the outside of the disk contain more sectors than those on the inside .

Interblock Gap :-Short for interrecord gap, the space between two consecutive physical blocks on a data recording medium, such as a hard drive or a magnetic tape. IRGs are used as markers for the end of data and also as safety margins for data overwrites.An interrecord gap is also referred to as a interblock gap.
Read/Write Head:- Disk read/write heads are the small parts of a disk drive, that move above the disk platter and transform platter's magnetic field into electrical current (read the disk) or vice versa – transform electrical current into magnetic field (write the disk). The heads have gone through a number of changes over the years.

February 2011
Master of Computer Application (MCA) – Semester 2
MC0068 – Data Structures using C
Assignment Set – 1

  1. Describe the theory and applications of Double Ended Queues (Deque) and circular queue

Answer: Another type of queue called double-ended queue also called Deque is discussed in this section. Deque is a special type of data structure in which insertions and deletions will be done either at the front end or at the rear end of the queue. The operations that can be performed on deques are
· Insert an item from front end
· Insert an item from rear end
· Delete an item from front end
· Delete an item from rear end
· Display the contents of queue

Example : Double-ended queue

#include <stdio.h>
#include <process.h>
#define QUEUE_SIZE 5
void main()
int choice,item,f,r,q [10];
f=0; r = -1;
for (;;)
printf(" 1:Insert_front 2:lnsert_rearn");
printf("3: Delete_front 4: Delete_rearn" );
printf("5: Display 6:Exitn");
printf("Enter the choicen");
scanf("%d" ,&choice );
switch ( choice )
case 1:
printf("Enter the item to be insertedn");
scanf("%d",& item);
insert_ front(item, q, &f, &r);
case 2:
printf("Enter the item to be insertedn");
scanf("%d",& item);
insert_rear(item, q, &r);
case 3:
delete _front(q, &f, &r);

case 4:
delete_rear(q, &f, &r);

cases 5:
display(q, f, r);

default: .
Circular Queue A circular queue is a particular implementation of a queue. It is very efficient. It is also quite useful in low level code, because insertion and deletion are totally independant, which means that you don't have to worry about an interrupt handler trying to do an insertion at the same time as your main code is doing a deletion.

There is a problem with this: Both an empty queue and a full queue would be indicated by having the head and tail point to the same element. There are two ways around this: either maintain a variable with the number of items in the queue, or create the array with one more element that you will actually need so that the queue is never full

#define MAX 80
char buf[MAX+1];
int spos =0;
int rpos=0;
void qstore(char q);
char qretrieve(void);
int main(void)
register char ch;
int t;
/* Input characters until a carriage return is typed.*/
for(ch=' ',t=0; t<32000 && ch!='\r';++t)
/*Display and empty the key buffer.*/
return 0;
/* Store characters in the queue. */
void qstore(char q)
if(spos+1==rpos||(spos+1==MAX && !rpos))
printf("List Full\n");
if(spos==MAX)spos=0;/*loop back */
/* Retrieve a character.*/
char qretrieve(void)
rpos=0;/*loop back*/
return '\0';
return buf[rpos-1];

  1. Illustrate the C program to represents the Stack Implementation on POP and PUSH operation?
Answer: C program to represents the Stack Implementation on POP and PUSH operation

class STACK
int top, stack[20];
pop(int x);
int current()
return top;
top --;
int x = stack[top];
return x;
int main()
int pushnum;
apstring choice;
cout<<"Enter 'push', 'pop', or 'q': ";
if(choice == "q")
if(choice == "pop")
STACK pop();
cout<<"Current number is: "<<a.current();
if(choice == "push")
cout<<"\n\nEnter number to push: ";
STACK push(pushnum);
cout<<"\n\nCurrent number iSTACK::STACK()s: "<<pushnum;
}while(choice != "q");
return 1;

3.Show the result of inserting 3, 1, 4, 5, 2, 9, 6, 8 into a
A) bottom-up splay tree
B) top-down splay tree.

Answer: The advantage of implementing splaying using rotation as a primitive is that we can encapsulate all the restructuring, including any required updating of auxiliary fields, in the rotation procedures. The disadvantage is that many unnecessary pointer assignments are done. We can achieve greater efficiency by eliminating the superfluous assignments by expanding the rotation procedures in-line, simplifying, and keeping extra information in the control state. A bottom-up splaying method is appropriate if we have direct access to the node at which the splaying is to occur. However, splaying as used in Sections 2 and 3 only occurs immediately after an access, and it is more eficient to splay on the way down the tree during the access. We present a topdown version of splaying that works in this way.
Suppose we wish to aocess an item i in a tree. During the access and concurrent splaying operation, the tree is broken into three parts: a left tree, a middle tree, and a right tree. The left and right trees contain all items in the original tree so far known to be less than i and greater than i, respectively. The middle tree consists of the subtree of the original tree rooted at the current node on the access path. Initially the current node is the tree root and the left and right trees are empty. To do the splaying, we search down from the root looking for i, two nodes at a time, breaking links along the access path and adding each subtree thus detached to the bottom right of the left tree or the bottom left of the right tree, with the provisothat if we take two steps down in the same direction (left-left or right-right) we do a rotation before breaking a link. More formally, the splaying operation consists of repeatedly applying the appropriate case among until none applies, then reassembling the three remaining trees. A similar togdown restructuring method, but without the rotations and consequently with poor amortized efficiency, was proposed by Stephenson. The following program implements this method. The program uses three local variables, t, 1, and r, denoting the current vertex, the last node in symmetric order
in the left tree, and the first node in symmetric order in the right tree, respectively. The updating of the% variables occurs in the primitive procedures. These are rotate ldt and rotate righf, which ro$ate the edge joining t and ’its right or left child, respectively; link ldt and link right, which break the link between t and its left or right child and attach the resulting tree to the left or right tree, respectively; and
assemble, which completes the splaying by performing the assembly. The program contains an initializing guard that declares 1 and r and initializes Self-Adjusting Binary Search Trees 669
them both to null. After the first le A link, the right child of null is the root of the left tree; after the first right link, the left child of null is the root of the right tree. procedure topdown splay(i, t);
if 1, r: 1 = r = null + left(nul1):= right(nul1) := null;
do i < item@3)
if i = item(ldf(t)+) link right
I i c item(left(t)+) rotate right; link right
I i > item(left(t)+) link right; link left
I i > item(t) -P
if i = item(right(t)+) link leji
I i > item(right(t)+) rotate left;l ink left
I i < item(right(t)+) link left; link right
od{i = item(t));
end topdown splay;

We can simplify topdown splaying as we did bottom-up splaying, by eliminating the second linking operation in the zig-zag case. The resulting program is as follows:
procedure simple topdown splafli, t);
if 1, r: 1 = r = null -.,
left(nul1):= right(nul1) := null;
do i < item(t) +
if i < item(1ef.t)) + rotate right
I i 2 item(leff(t)+) skip
link right
I i > item(t) +
if i > item(right(t)+) rotate left
I i 5 item(right(f)+) skip
link left
od{i = ztem(t));
end simple topdown splay.

  1. Discuss the techniques for allowing a hash file to expand and shrink dynamically. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?
Answer: Dynamic Hashing
As the database grows over time, we have three options:
· Choose hash function based on current file size. Get performance degradation as file grows.
· Choose hash function based on anticipated file size. Space is wasted initially.
· Periodically re-organize hash structure as file grows. Requires selecting new hash function, recomputing all addresses and generating new bucket assignments. Costly, and shuts down database.
Some hashing techniques allow the hash function to be modified dynamically to accommodate the growth or shrinking of the database. These are called dynamic hash functions. Extendable hashing is one form of dynamic hashing. Extendable hashing splits and coalesces buckets as database size changes. This imposes some performance overhead, but space efficiency is maintained. As reorganization is on one bucket at a time, overhead is acceptably low.
General extendable hash structure.
1. We choose a hash function that is uniform and random that generates values over a relatively large range.
· Range is b-bit binary integers (typically b=32).
· 2^32 is over 4 billion, so we don’t generate that many buckets!
· Instead we create buckets on demand, and do not use all b bits of the hash initially.
· At any point we use i bits where 0<= i <= 6
· The i bits are used as an offset into a table of bucket addresses.
· Value of i grows and shrinks with the database.
· Figure 6.16 shows an extendable hash structure.
· Note that the i appearing over the bucket address table tells how many bits are required to determine the correct bucket.
· It may be the case that several entries point to the same bucket.
· All such entries will have a common hash prefix, but the length of this prefix may be less than i.
· So we give each bucket an integer giving the length of the common hash prefix.
· This is shown in Figure – B as i^j
· Number of bucket entries pointing to bucket j is then 2^(i-ij)
1. To find the bucket containing search key value k^i.
· Compute f^ki.
· Take the first i high order bits of h^(k1).
· Look at the corresponding table entry for this i-bit string.
· Follow the bucket pointer in the table entry.
2. We now look at insertions in an extendable hashing scheme.
· Follow the same procedure for lookup, ending up in some bucket j.
· If there is room in the bucket, insert information and insert record in the file.
· If the bucket is full, we must split the bucket, and redistribute the records.
· If bucket is split we may need to increase the number of bits we use in the hash.
3. Two cases exist:
i. If i=j , then only one entry in the bucket address table points to bucket j.
· Then we need to increase the size of the bucket address table so that we can include pointers to the two buckets that result from splitting bucket j.
· We increment i by one, thus considering more of the hash, and doubling the size of the bucket address table.
· Each entry is replaced by two entries, each containing original value.
· Now two entries in bucket address table point to bucket j.
· We allocate a new bucket z, and set the second pointer to point to z.
· Set i^j and i^2 to i.
· Rehash all records in bucket j which are put in either j or z.
· Now insert new record.
· It is remotely possible, but unlikely, that the new hash will still put all of the records in one bucket.
· If so, split again and increment i again.
ii. If i>j , then more than one entry in the bucket address table points to bucket j.
· Then we can split bucket j without increasing the size of thi. If i=j , then only one entry in the bucket address table points to bucket j.
· Then we need to increase the size of the bucket address table so that we can include pointers to the two buckets that result from splitting bucket j.
· We increment i by one, thus considering more of the hash, and doubling the size of the bucket address table.e bucket address table (why?).
· Note that all entries that point to bucket j correspond to hash prefixes that have the same value on the leftmost i1 bits.
· We allocate a new bucket z, and set i1 and i2to the origina i1value plus 1.
· Now adjust entries in the bucket address table that previously pointed to bucket j.
· Leave the first half pointing to bucket j, and make the rest point to bucket z.
· Rehash each record in bucket j as before.
· Reattempt new insert.
4. Note that in both cases we only need to rehash records in bucket j.
5. Deletion of records is similar. Buckets may have to be coalesced, and bucket address table may have to be halved.
· Extendable hashing provides performance that does not degrade as the file grows.
· Minimal space overhead – no buckets need be reserved for future use. Bucket address table only contains one pointer for each hash value of current prefix length.
· Extra level of indirection in the bucket address table
· Added complexity

February 2011
Master of Computer Application (MCA) – Semester 2
MC0069 – System Analysis & Design
Assignment Set – 1

  1. Write and explain important relationships that are used in object-oriented modeling?
Ans: A relationship is a general term covering the specific types of logical connections found on class and objects diagrams. A relationship references one or more related elements. There is no general notation for a relationship. In most cases the notation is some kind of a line connecting related elements. Specific subclasses of the relationship define their own notation.
Instance Level Relationships -
Association: Association is a relationship between classifiers which is used to show that instances of classifiers could be either linked to each other or combined logically or physically into some aggregation. Association defines the relationship between two or more classes in the System. These generally relates to the one object having instance or reference of another object inside it.
Associations in UML can be implemented using following ways:1) Multiplicity
2) Aggregation
3) Composition

Multiplicity :
Multiplicity indicates the no of instance of one class is linked to one instance of another class. The various multiplicity values are listed below:
Only One Instance
Zero or One Instance
Many Instance
Zero or Many Instance
One or Many Instance


Aggregation represents the set of Main Classes that are dependent on Sub-Classes, the Main class cannot exist without Sub-Class but the Sub-Class can exists without the Main Class.
Aggregation (shared aggregation) is a "weak" form of aggregation when part instance is independent of the composite:
The same (shared) part could be included in several composites, and if composite is deleted, shared parts may still exist. Shared aggregation is shown as binary association decorated with a hollow diamond as a terminal adornment at the aggregate end of the association line. The diamond should be noticeably smaller than the diamond notation for N-ary associations.

Search Service has a Query Builder using shared aggregation
Composition in UML: Composition represents the set of Main Classes that are dependent on Sub-Classes, the Main class cannot exists without Sub-Class and the Sub-Class cannot exists without the Main Class. The Sub-Class can represent only one composite relation with the Main class.

Composition :
composite aggregation is a "strong" form of aggregation. Composition requirements/features listed in UML specification are:
  • it is a whole/part relationship,
  • it is binary association,
  • part could be included in at most one composite (whole) at a time, and
  • if a composite (whole) is deleted, all of its composite parts are "normally" deleted with it.
Note, that UML does not define how, when and specific order in which parts of the composite are created. Also, in some cases a part can be removed from a composite before the composite is deleted, and so is not necessarily deleted as part of the composite.
Composite aggregation is depicted as a binary association decorated with a filled black diamond at the aggregate (whole) end.

Folder could contain many files, while each File has exactly one Folder parent.
If Folder is deleted, all contained Files are deleted as well.
When composition is used in domain models, both whole/part relationship as well as event of composite "deletion" should be interpreted figuratively, not necessarily as physical containment and/or termination. UML specification needs to be updated to explicitly allow this interpretation.

Class Level Relationships:
Generalization: The Generalization relationship indicates that one of the two related classes (the subclass) is considered to be a specialized form of the other (the super type) and superclass is considered as 'Generalization' of subclass. In practice, this means that any instance of the subtype is also an instance of the superclass. An exemplary tree of generalizations of this form is found in binomial nomenclature: human beings are a subclass of simian, which are a subclass of mammal, and so on. The relationship is most easily understood by the phrase 'an A is a B' (a human is a mammal, a mammal is an animal).
The UML graphical representation of a Generalization is a hollow triangle shape on the superclass end of the line (or tree of lines) that connects it to one or more subtypes.
The generalization relationship is also known as the inheritance or "is a" relationship.
The superclass in the generalization relationship is also known as the "parent", superclass, base class, or base type.
The subtype in the specialization relationship is also known as the "child", subclass, derived class, derived type, inheriting class, or inheriting type. Note that this relationship bears no resemblance to the biological parent/child relationship: the use of these terms is extremely common, but can be misleading.
  • Generalization-Specialization relationship
A is a type of B
E.g. "an oak is a type of tree", "an automobile is a type of vehicle"

Realization: In UML modeling, a realization relationship is a relationship between two model elements, in which one model element (the client) realizes (implements or executes) the behavior that the other model element (the supplier) specifies. A realization is indicated by a dashed line with an unfilled arrowhead towards the supplier. Realizations can only be shown on class or component diagrams.
A realization is a relationship between classes, interfaces, components, and packages that connects a client element with a supplier element. A realization relationship between classes and interfaces and between components and interfaces shows that the class realizes the operations offered by the interface.
Dependency: Dependency relationship is used to show that some element or a set of elements depends on other model element and on class diagrams is usually represented by usage dependency or abstraction. A dependency is rendered as a dashed arrow between elements. The element at the tail of the arrow (the client) depends on the model element at the arrowhead (the supplier). The arrow may be labeled with an optional stereotype and an optional name.
Data Access depends on Connection Pool: It is possible to have a set of elements for the client or supplier. In this case, one or more arrows with their tails on the clients are connected to the tails of one or more arrows with their heads on the suppliers. A small dot can be placed on the junction if desired. A note on the dependency should be attached at the junction point.

  1. Discuss the concept of dynamic type modeling and how is different from static type?
UML diagrams represent two different views of a system model:
  • Static (or structural) view: emphasizes the static structure of the system using objects, attributes, operations and relationships. The structural view includes class diagrams and composite structure diagrams..
  • Dynamic (or behavioral) view: emphasizes the dynamic behavior of the system by showing collaborations among objects and changes to the internal states of objects. This view includes sequence diagrams, activity diagrams and state machine diagrams.
  • Most object-oriented programming languages are statically typed, which means that the type of an object is bound at the time the object is created. Even so, that object will likely play different roles over time. This means that clients that use that object interact with the object through different sets of interfaces, representing interesting, possibly overlapping, sets of operations.
  • Modeling the static nature of an object can be visualized in a class diagram. However, when you are modeling things like business objects, which naturally change their roles throughout a workflow; it’s sometimes useful to explicitly model the dynamic nature of that object’s type. In these circumstances, an object can gain and lose types during its life.
  • To model a dynamic type,
  • Specify the different possible types of that object by rendering each type as a class stereotyped as type (if the abstraction requires structure and behavior) or as interface (if the abstraction requires only behavior).
Model all the roles the class of the object may take on at any point in time. You can do so in two ways:

1. First, in a class diagram, explicitly type each role that the class plays in its association with other classes. Doing this specifies the face instances of that class put on in the context of the associated object.

2. Second, also in a class diagram, specify the class-to-type relationships using generalization.
In an interaction diagram, properly render each instance of the dynamically typed class. Display the role of the instance in brackets below the object’s name.

To show the change in role of an object, render the object once for each roie it plays in the interaction, and connect these objects with a message stereotyped as become.
For example, Figure 4-15 shows the roles that instances of the class Person might play in the context of a human resources system.

Figure 1: Modeling Static Types

This diagram specifies that instances of the Person class may be any of the three types namely. Candidate, Employee, or Retiree

Figure 1-2 shows the dynamic nature of a person’s type. In this fragment of an interaction diagram, p (the Person object) changes its role from Candidate to Employee

Figure 2: Modeling Dynamic Types

  1. What are the important factors that need to be considered to model a system from different views?
Modeling Different Views of a System:
When we model as system from different views, we are in effect construction our system simultaneously from multiple dimensions. By choosing the right set of views, we set up a process that forces us to ask good questions about our system and to expose risks that need to be attacked. If we do a poor job of choosing these views or if we focus on one view at the expense of all others, we run the risk of hiding issues and deferring problems that will eventually destroy any chance of success.
To model a system from different views;
  • Decide which views we need to best express the architecture of our system and to expose the technical risks of our project. The five views: Use case, Design, Process, Implementation and Deployment.
  • For each of these views, decide which artifacts we need to create to capture has essential details of that view.
  • As part of our process planning, decide which of these diagrams we will want to put under some sort of formal or semi forma control. These are the diagrams for which we will want to schedule reviews and to preserve as documentation for the project.
  • Allow room for diagrams that are thrown away. Such transitory diagrams are still useful for exploring the implications of your decisions and for experimenting with changes.
If we are modeling a complex, distributed system, we will need to employ the full range of the UML’s diagrams in order to express the architecture of our system and the technical risks to our project as:

Use case view: Use case diagrams, Activity diagrams for behavioral modeling
Design view: Class diagrams for structural modeling, interaction diagram, statechart diagrams
Process view: Class diagrams for structural modeling, Interaction diagram for behavioral modeling
Implementation view: component diagrams
Deployment view: Deployment diagrams

  1. Explain the different components of states with reference to state machines.
State Machines:
A state machine is a behavior that specifies the sequences of states an object goes through during its lifetime in response to events, together with its responses to those events. We use state machines to model the dynamic aspects of a system. The state of an object is a condition or situation during the life of an object during which it satisfies some condition, performs some activity, or waits for some events.
An event is the specification of a significant occurrence that has a location in time and space. In the context of state machines, an event is an occurrence of a stimulus that can trigger a state transition.
A transition is a relationship between two states indicating that an object is the first state will perform certain actions and enter the second state when a specified nonatomic execution within a state machine.
A action is an executable atomic computation that results in a change in state of the model or the return of a value.

A state has several parts:
Name- A textual string that distinguishes the state from other states; a state may be anonymous, meaning that it has no name.
Entry/Exit actions-Actions executed on entering and ending the state, respectively.
Internal transitions- Transitions that are handled without causing a change in state.
Substates- The nested structure of a state, involving disjoint or concurrent substates.
Deferred event- A list of events that are not handled in that state but, rather, are postponed and queued for handling by the object in another state.

  1. Explain the different stages to model a flow of control.
Modeling a Flow of Control:
To model a flow of control
  • Set the context for the interaction, whether it is the system as a whole, a class, or an individual operation.
  • Set the stage for the interaction by identifying which objects play a role. Set their initial properties, including their attribute values, state, and role.
  • If your model emphasizes the structural organization of these objects, identify the links that connect them, relevant to the paths of communication that take place in this interaction. Specify the nature of the links using the UML’s standard stereotypes and constraints, as necessary.
  • In time order, specify the messages that pass from object to object. As necessary, distinguish the different kinds of messages, include parameter and return values to convey the necessary detail of this interaction.
  • Also to convey the necessary detail of this interaction, adorn each object at every moment in time with its state and role.
For example:
Figure shows a set of objects that interact in the context of a publish and subscribe mechanism. This figure includes three objects: p(a StockQuotePubliser), s1 and s2(both instances of StockQuoteSubscriber). This figure is an example of a sequence diagram, which emphasizes the time order of messages.
Figure: Flow of control by Time

February 2011
Master of Computer Application (MCA) – Semester 2
MC0070 – Operating System with UNIX
Assignment Set – 1

1. Define process. Explain the major components of a process.
A process can be simply defined as a program in execution. Process along with program code, comprises of program counter value, Processor register contents, values of variables, stack and program data.A process is created and terminated, and it follows some or all of the states of process transition; such as New, Ready, Running, Waiting, and Exit. Process is not the same as program.
A process is more than a program code. A process is an ‘active’ entity as oppose to program which considered being a ‘passive’ entity. As we all know that a program is an algorithm expressed in some programming language. Being a passive, a program is only a part of process. Process, on the other hand, includes:

  • Current value of Program Counter (PC)
  • Contents of the processors register
  • Value of the variables
  • The process stack, which typically contains temporary data such as subroutine parameter, return address, and temporary variables.
  • A data section that contains global variables.
  • A process is the unit of work in a system.

A process has certain attributes that directly affect execution, these include:
PID - The PID stands for the process identification. This is a unique number that defines the process within the kernel.

PPID - This is the processes Parent PID, the creator of the process.

UID - The User ID number of the user that owns this process.

EUID - The effective User ID of the process.

GID - The Group ID of the user that owns this process.

EGID - The effective Group User ID that owns this process.

Priority - The priority that this process runs at.

To view a process you use the ps command.

# ps -l

30 S 0 11660 145 1 26 20 * 66:20 88249f10 ttyq 6 0:00 rlogind

The F field: This is the flag field. It uses hexadecimal values which are added to show the value of the flag bits for the process. For a normal user process this will be 30, meaning it is loaded into memory.

The S field: The S field is the state of the process, the two most common values are S for Sleeping and R for Running. An important value to look for is X, which means the process is waiting for memory to become available.

PID field: The PID shows the Process ID of each process. This value should be unique. Generally PID are allocated lowest to highest, but wrap at some point. This value is necessary for you to send a signal to a process such as the KILL signal.

PRI field: This stands for priority field. The lower the value the higher the value. This refers to the process NICE value. It will range from 0 to 39. The default is 20, as a process uses the CPU the system will raise the nice value.

P flag: This is the processor flag. On the SGI this refers to the processor the process is running on.

SZ field: This refers to the SIZE field. This is the total number of pages in the process. Each page is 4096 bytes.

TTY field: This is the terminal assigned to your process.

Time field: The cumulative execution time of the process in minutes and seconds.

COMD field: The command that was executed.
In Process model, all software on the computer is organized into a number of sequential processes. A process includes PC, registers, and variables. Conceptually, each process has its own virtual CPU. In reality, the CPU switches back and forth among processes.

    2.) Describe the following:
A.) Layered Approach
B.) Micro Kernels
C.) Virtual Machines
Layered Approach: With proper hardware support, operating systems can be broken into pieces that are smaller and more appropriate than those allowed by the original MS-DOS or UNIX systems. The operating system can then retain much greater control over the computer and over the applications that make use of that computer. Implementers have more freedom in changing the inner workings of the system and in creating modular operating systems. Under the top-down approach, the overall functionality and features are determined and the separated into components. Information hiding is also important, because it leaves programmers free to implement the low-level routines as they see fit, provided that the external interface of the routine stays unchanged and that the routine itself performs the advertised task.
A system can be made modular in many ways. One method is the layered approach, in which the operating system is broken up into a number of layers (levels). The bottom layer (layer 0) id the hardware; the highest (layer N) is the user interface.

File Systems
Inter-process Communication
I/O and Device Management
Virtual Memory
Primitive Process Management

Fig. 2.2: Layered Architecture
An operating-system layer is an implementation of an abstract object made up of data and the operations that can manipulate those data. A typical os layer-say, layer M-consists of data structures and a set of routines that can be invoked by higher-level layers. Layer M, in turn, can invoke operations on lower-level layers.
The main advantage of the layered approach is simplicity of construction and debugging. The layers are selected so that each uses functions (operations) and services of only lower-level layers. This approach simplifies debugging and system verification. The first layer can be debugged without any concern for the rest of the system, because, by definition, it uses only the basic hardware (which is assumed correct) to implement its functions. Once the first layer is debugged, its correct functioning can be assumed while the second layer is debugged, and so on. If an error is found during debugging of a particular layer, the error must be on that layer, because the layers below it are already debugged. Thus, the design and implementation of the system is simplified.
Each layer is implemented with only those operations provided by lower-level layers. A layer does not need to know how these operations are implemented; it needs to know only what these operations do. Hence, each layer hides the existence of certain data structures, operations, and hardware from higher-level layers. The major difficulty with the layered approach involves appropriately defining the various layers. Because layer can use only lower-level layers, careful planning is necessary. For example, the device driver for the backing store (disk space used by virtual-memory algorithms) must be at a lower level than the memory-management routines, because memory management requires the ability to use the backing store.
Other requirement may not be so obvious. The backing-store driver would normally be above the CPU scheduler, because the driver may need to wait for I/O and the CPU can be rescheduled during this time. However, on a larger system, the CPU scheduler may have more information about all the active processes than can fit in memory. Therefore, this information may need to be swapped in and out of memory, requiring the backing-store driver routine to be below the CPU scheduler.
A final problem with layered implementations is that they tend to be less efficient than other types. For instance, when a user program executes an I/O operation, it executes a system call that is trapped to the I/O layer, which calls the memory-management layer, which in turn calls the CPU-scheduling layer, which is then passed to the hardware. At each layer, the parameters may be modified; data may need to be passed, and so on. Each layer adds overhead to the system call; the net result is a system call that takes longer than does one on a non-layered system. These limitations have caused a small backlash against layering in recent years. Fewer layers with more functionality are being designed, providing most of the advantages of modularized code while avoiding the difficult problems of layer definition and interaction.

When the kernel became large and difficult to manage. In the mid-1980s, researches at Carnegie Mellon University developed an operating system called Mach that modularized the kernel using the microkernel approach. This method structures the operating system by removing all nonessential components from the kernel and implementing then as system and user-level programs. The result is a smaller kernel. There is little consensus regarding which services should remain in the kernel and which should be implemented in user space. Typically, however, micro-kernels provide minimal process and memory management, in addition to a communication facility.


File Server

Client Process
Virtual Memory

Fig. 2.3: Microkernel Architecture

The main function of the microkernel is to provide a communication facility between the client program and the various services that are also running in user space. Communication is provided by message passing. For example, if the client program and service never interact directly. Rather, they communicate indirectly by exchanging messages with the microkernel.
On benefit of the microkernel approach is ease of extending the operating system. All new services are added to user space and consequently do not require modification of the kernel. When the kernel does have to be modified, the changes tend to be fewer, because the microkernel is a smaller kernel. The resulting operating system is easier to port from one hardware design to another. The microkernel also provided more security and reliability, since most services are running as user – rather than kernel – processes, if a service fails the rest of the operating system remains untouched.
Several contemporary operating systems have used the microkernel approach. Tru64 UNIX (formerly Digital UNIX provides a UNIX interface to the user, but it is implemented with a March kernel. The March kernel maps UNIX system calls into messages to the appropriate user-level services.
The following figure shows the UNIX operating system architecture. At the center is hardware, covered by kernel. Above that are the UNIX utilities, and command interface, such as shell (sh), etc.
Virtual Machine

The layered approach of operating systems is taken to its logical conclusion in the concept of virtual machine. The fundamental idea behind a virtual machine is to abstract the hardware of a single computer (the CPU, Memory, Disk drives, Network Interface Cards, and so forth) into several different execution environments and thereby creating the illusion that each separate execution environment is running its own private computer. By using CPU Scheduling and Virtual Memory techniques, an operating system can create the illusion that a process has its own processor with its own (virtual) memory. Normally a process has additional features, such as system calls and a file system, which are not provided by the hardware. The Virtual machine approach does not provide any such additional functionality but rather an interface that is identical to the underlying bare hardware. Each process is provided with a (virtual) copy of the underlying computer.
Hardware Virtual machine
The original meaning of virtual machine, sometimes called a hardware virtual machine, is that of a number of discrete identical execution environments on a single computer, each of which runs an operating system (OS). This can allow applications written for one OS to be executed on a machine which runs a different OS, or provide execution “sandboxes” which provide a greater level of isolation between processes than is achieved when running multiple processes on the same instance of an OS. One use is to provide multiple users the illusion of having an entire computer, one that is their “private” machine, isolated from other users, all on a single physical machine. Another advantage is that booting and restarting a virtual machine can be much faster than with a physical machine, since it may be possible to skip tasks such as hardware initialization.
Such software is now often referred to with the terms virtualization and virtual servers. The host software which provides this capability is often referred to as a virtual machine
Monitor or hypervisor.
Software virtualization can be done in three major ways: Emulation, full system simulation, or “full virtualization with dynamic recompilation” — the virtual machine simulates the complete hardware, allowing an unmodified OS for a completely different CPU to be run. Paravirtualization — the virtual machine does not simulate hardware but instead offers a special API that requires OS modifications. An example of this is XenSource’s XenEnterprise ( Native virtualization and “full virtualization” the virtual machine only partially simulates enough hardware to allow an unmodified OS to be run in isolation, but the guest OS must be designed for the same type of CPU. The term native virtualization is also sometimes used to designate that hardware assistance through Virtualization Technology is used.

Application virtual machine: Another meaning of virtual machine is a piece of computer software that isolates the application being used by the user from the computer. Because versions of the virtual machine are written for various computer platforms, any application written for the virtual machine can be operated on any of the platforms, instead of having to produce separate versions of the application for each computer and operating system. The application is run on the computer using an interpreter or Just in Time compilation. One of the best known examples of an application virtual machine is Sun Microsystem’s Java Virtual Machine.

  1. Memory management is important in operating systems. Discuss the main problems that can occur if memory is managed poorly.
The part of the operating system which handles this responsibility is called the memory manager. Since every process must have some amount of primary memory in order to execute, the performance of the memory manager is crucial to the performance of the entire system. Virtual memory refers to the technology in which some space in hard disk is used as an extension of main memory so that a user program need not worry if its size extends the size of the main memory.
For paging memory management, each process is associated with a page table. Each entry in the table contains the frame number of the corresponding page in the virtual address space of the process. This same page table is also the central data structure for virtual memory mechanism based on paging, although more facilities are needed. It covers the Control bits, Multi-level page table etc. Segmentation is another popular method for both memory management and virtual memory

Basic Cache Structure : The idea of cache memories is similar to virtual memory in that some active portion of a low-speed memory is stored in duplicate in a higher-speed cache memory. When a memory request is generated, the request is first presented to the cache memory, and if the cache cannot respond, the request is then presented to main memory.

Content-Addressable Memory (CAM) is a special type of computer memory used in certain very high speed searching applications. It is also known as associative memory, associative storage, or associative array, although the last term is more often used for a programming data structure.
In addition to the responsibility of managing processes, the operating system must efficiently manage the primary memory of the computer. The part of the operating system which handles this responsibility is called the memory manager. Since every process must have some amount of primary memory in order to execute, the performance of the memory manager is crucial to the performance of the entire system. Nutt explains: “The memory manager is responsible for allocating primary memory to processes and for assisting the programmer in loading and storing the contents of the primary memory. Managing the sharing of primary memory and minimizing memory access time are the basic goals of the memory manager.”

The real challenge of efficiently managing memory is seen in the case of a system which has multiple processes running at the same time. Since primary memory can be space-multiplexed, the memory manager can allocate a portion of primary memory to each process for its own use. However, the memory manager must keep track of which processes are running in which memory locations, and it must also determine how to allocate and de-allocate available memory when new processes are created and when old processes complete execution. While various different strategies are used to allocate space to processes competing for memory, three of the most popular are Best fit, Worst fit, and First fit. Each of these strategies are described below:

Best fit: The allocator places a process in the smallest block of unallocated memory in which it will fit. For example, suppose a process requests 12KB of memory and the memory manager currently has a list of unallocated blocks of 6KB, 14KB, 19KB, 11KB, and 13KB blocks. The best-fit strategy will allocate 12KB of the 13KB block to the process.

Worst fit: The memory manager places a process in the largest block of unallocated memory available. The idea is that this placement will create the largest hold after the allocations, thus increasing the possibility that, compared to best fit, another process can use the remaining space. Using the same example as above, worst fit will allocate 12KB of the 19KB block to the process, leaving a 7KB block for future use.

First fit: There may be many holes in the memory, so the operating system, to reduce the amount of time it spends analyzing the available spaces, begins at the start of primary memory and allocates memory from the first hole it encounters large enough to satisfy the request. Using the same example as above, first fit will allocate 12KB of the 14KB block to the process.

Notice in the diagram above that the Best fit and First fit strategies both leave a tiny segment of memory unallocated just beyond the new process. Since the amount of memory is small, it is not likely that any new processes can be loaded here. This condition of splitting primary memory into segments as the memory is allocated and deallocated is known as fragmentation. The Worst fit strategy attempts to reduce the problem of fragmentation by allocating the largest fragments to new processes. Thus, a larger amount of space will be left as seen in the diagram above.
Another way in which the memory manager enhances the ability of the operating system to support multiple process running simultaneously is by the use of virtual memory. According the Nutt, “virtual memory strategies allow a process to use the CPU when only part of its address space is loaded in the primary memory. In this approach, each process’s address space is partitioned into parts that can be loaded into primary memory when they are needed and written back to secondary memory otherwise.” Another consequence of this approach is that the system can run programs which are actually larger than the primary memory of the system, hence the idea of “virtual memory.” Brookshear explains how this is accomplished:
“Suppose, for example, that a main memory of 64 megabytes is required but only 32 megabytes is actually available. To create the illusion of the larger memory space, the memory manager would divide the required space into units called pages and store the contents of these pages in mass storage. A typical page size is no more than four kilobytes. As different pages are actually required in main memory, the memory manager would exchange them for pages that are no longer required, and thus the other software units could execute as though there were actually 64 megabytes of main memory in the machine.”
In order for this system to work, the memory manager must keep track of all the pages that are currently loaded into the primary memory. This information is stored in a page table maintained by the memory manager. A page fault occurs whenever a process requests a page that is not currently loaded into primary memory. To handle page faults, the memory manager takes the following steps:
  • The memory manager locates the missing page in secondary memory.
  • The page is loaded into primary memory, usually causing another page to be unloaded.
  • The page table in the memory manager is adjusted to reflect the new state of the memory.
  • The processor re-executes the instructions which caused the page fault.

  1. Discuss the following:
A) File Substitution
B) I/O Control

File Substitution : It is important to understand how file substitution actually works. In the previous examples, the ls command doesn’t do the work of file substitution –the shell does. Even though all the previous examples employ the ls command, any command that accepts filenames on the command line can use file substitution. In fact, using the simple echo command is a good way to experiment with file substitution without having to worry about unexpected results.
For example:-
$ echo p*
p10 p101 p11

When a metacharacter is encountered in a UNIX command, the shell looks for patterns in filenames that match the metacharacter. When a match is found, the shell substitutes the actual filename in place of the string containing the metacharacter so that the command sees only a list of valid filenames. If the shell finds no filenames that match the pattern, it passes an empty string to the command.
The shell can expand more than one pattern on a single line. Therefore, the shell interprets the command
$ ls LINES.* PAGES.*
$ ls LINES.dat LINES.idx PAGES.dat PAGES.idx

There are file substitution situations that you should be wary of. You should be careful about the use of whitespace (extra blanks) in a command line. If you enter the following command, for example, the results might surprise you:
What has happened is that the shell interpreted the first parameter as the filename LINES. with no metacharacters and passed it directly on to ls. Next, the shell saw the single asterisk (*), and matched it to any character string, which matches every file in the directory. This is not a big problem if you are simply listing the files, but it could mean disaster if you were using the command to delete data files! Unusual results can also occur if you use the period (.) in a shell command. Suppose that you are using the
$ ls .*
Command to view the hidden files. What the shell would see after it finishes interpreting the meta character is
$ ls . .. .profile
Which gives you a complete directory listing of both the current and parent directories.

When you think about how filename substitution works, you might assume that the default form of the ls command is actually
$ ls *
However, in this case the shell passes to ls the names of directories, which causes ls to list all the files in the subdirectories. The actual form of the default ls command is
$ ls .

I/O Control :-Either the hardware that controls the transfer of data between main memory and peripheral devices, or the part of the system software that in turn controls that hardware.
Many I/O tasks can be complex and require logic to be applied to the data to convert formats and other similar duties. In these situations, the simplest solution is to ask the CPU to handle the logic, but because I/O devices are relatively slow, a CPU could waste time (in computer perspective) waiting for the data from the device. This situation is called 'I/O bound'.
Channel architecture avoids this pr5. Discuss the concept of File substitution with respect to managing data files in UNIX. oblem by using a separate, independent, low-cost processor. Channel processors are simple, but self-contained, with minimal logic and sufficient on-board scratchpad memory (working storage) to handle I/O tasks. They are typically not powerful or flexible enough to be used as a computer on their own and can be construed as a form of coprocessor.
A CPU sends relatively small channel programs to the controller via the channel to handle I/O tasks, which the channel and controller can, in many cases, complete without further intervention from the CPU (exception: those channel programs which utilize 'program controlled interrupts', PCIs, to facilitate program loading, demand paging and other essential system tasks).
When I/O transfer is complete or an error is detected, the controller communicates with the CPU through the channel using an interrupt. Since the channel has direct access to the main memory, it is also often referred to as DMA controller (where DMA stands for direct memory access), although that term is looser in definition and is often applied to non-programmable devices as well.

    5. Discuss the concept of File substitution with respect to managing data files in UNIX.
    File Substitution Works: It is important to understand how file substitution actually works. In the previous examples, the ls command doesn’t do the work of file substitution –the shell does. Even though all the previous examples employ the ls command, any command that accepts filenames on the command line can use file substitution. In fact, using the simple echo command is a good way to experiment with file substitution without having to worry about unexpected results.
    For example:-
      $ echo p*
      p10 p101 p11
    When a metacharacter is encountered in a UNIX command, the shell looks for patterns in filenames that match the metacharacter. When a match is found, the shell substitutes the actual filename in place of the string containing the metacharacter so that the command sees only a list of valid filenames. If the shell finds no filenames that match the pattern, it passes an empty string to the command.
    The shell can expand more than one pattern on a single line. Therefore, the shell interprets the command
        $ ls LINES.* PAGES.*
      $ ls LINES.dat LINES.idx PAGES.dat PAGES.idx
    There are file substitution situations that you should be wary of. You should be careful about the use of whitespace (extra blanks) in a command line. If you enter the following command, for example, the results might surprise you:
    What has happened is that the shell interpreted the first parameter as the filename LINES. with no metacharacters and passed it directly on to ls. Next, the shell saw the single asterisk (*), and matched it to any character string, which matches every file in the directory. This is not a big problem if you are simply listing the files, but it could mean disaster if you were using the command to delete data files! Unusual results can also occur if you use the period (.) in a shell command. Suppose that you are using the
      $ ls .*
    Command to view the hidden files. What the shell would see after it finishes interpreting the meta character is
      $ ls . .. .profile
    Which gives you a complete directory listing of both the current and parent directories.
    When you think about how filename substitution works, you might assume that the default form of the ls command is actually
      $ ls *
    However, in this case the shell passes to ls the names of directories, which causes ls to list all the files in the subdirectories. The actual form of the default ls command is
      $ ls
  1. How do we make calculations using dc and bc utilities? Describe with at least two examples in each case.
Making Calculations with dc and bc : UNIX has two calculator programs that you can use from the command line: dc and bc. The dc (desk calculator) program uses Reverse Polish Notation (RPN), familiar to everyone who has used Hewlett-Packard pocket calculators, and the bc (basic calculator) program uses the more familiar algebraic notation. Both programs perform essentially the same calculations.
Calculating with bc
The basic calculator, bc, can do calculations to any precision that you specify. Therefore, if you know how to calculate pi and want to know its value to 20, 50, or 200 places, for example, use bc. This tool can add, subtract, multiply, divide, and raise a number to a power. It can take square roots, compute sines and cosines of angles, calculate exponentials and logarithms, and handle arctangents and Bessel functions. In addition, it contains a programming language whose syntax looks much like that of the C programming language. This means that you can use the following:
· Simple and array variables
· Expressions
· Tests and loops
· Functions that you define
Also, bc can take input from the keyboard, from a file, or from both.
Here are some examples of bc receiving input from the keyboard:
$ bc
To do multiplication, all you have to do is enter the two values with an asterisk between them. To exit from bc, just type Ctrl+d. However, you can also continue giving bc more calculations to do.
Here’s a simple square root calculation (as a continuation of the original bc command):
Oops! The default behavior of bc is to treat all numbers as integers. To get floating-point numbers (that is, numbers with decimal points in them), use the scale command. For example, the following input tells bc that you want it to set four decimal places and then try the square root example again:
In addition to setting the number of decimal places with scale, you can set the number of significant digits with length.
You need not always use base-10 for all your calculations, either. For example, suppose that you want to calculate the square root of the base-8 (octal) number, 11. First change the input base to 8 and then enter the same square root command as before to do the calculation:
This result is correct because octal 11 is decimal 9 and the square root of 9 is 3 in both octal and decimal.
You can use a variable even without a program:
$ bc

Here’s a simple loop in bc’s C-like syntax:

The first line sets y to the value 1. The next four lines establish a loop: the middle two lines repeat as long as the value of y is less than 5 (while(y<5)). Those two repeated lines cause bc to print the value of y-squared and then add one to the value of y. Note that bc doesn’t display the value of a variable when it’s on a line with an equals sign (or a while statement). Also, note the positions of the braces.

Here’s another, more compact kind of loop. It sets the initial value for y, tests the value of y, and adds one to the value of y, all on one line:
for (y = 1; y <= 5; y = y + 1){

Initially, y is set to 1. Then the loop tests whether the variable is less than or equal to 5. Because it is, bc performs the calculation 3*y and prints 3. Next, 1 is added to the present value of y, making it 2. That’s also less than 5, so bc performs the 3*y calculation, which results in 6 being printed. y is incremented to 3, which is then tested; because 3 is less than 5, 3*y is calculated again. At some point, bc increments y to 6, which is neither less than 5 nor equal to it, so that the loop terminates with no further calculation or display.
You can define and use new functions for the bc program. A bc function is a device that can take in one or more numbers and calculate a result. For example, the following function, s, adds three numbers:

define s(x,y,z){
To use the s function, you enter a command such as the following:

Each variable name and each function name must be a single lowercase letter. If you are using the math library, bc -l, (discussed below), the letters a, c, e, j, l, and s are already used.
If you have many functions that you use fairly regularly, you can type them into a text file and start bc by entering bc myfile.bc (where myfile is the name of text file). The bc program then knows those functions and you can invoke them without having to type their definitions again. If you use a file to provide input to bc, you can put comments in that file. When bc reads the file, it ignores anything that you type between /* and */.
If scale is 0, the bc program does modulus division (using the % symbol), which provides the remainder that results from the division of two integers, as in the following example:

If scale is not 0, the numbers are treated as floating point even if they are typed as integers.
In addition to including C’s increment operators (++ and —), bc also provides some special assignment operators: +=, -=, *=, /=, and ^=.

The built-in math functions include the following:
The arc tangent of x
The cosine of x
e raised to the x power
The Bessel function of n and x, where n is an integer and x is any real number
The natural logarithm of x
The sine of x
To use these math functions, you must invoke bc with the -l option, as follows:
$ bc -l

Calculating with dc
As mentioned earlier, the desk calculator, dc, uses RPN, so unless you’re comfortable with that notation, you should stick with bc. Also, dc does not provide a built-in programming language, built-in math functions, or the capability to define functions. It can, however, take its input from a file.
If you are familiar with stack-oriented calculators, you’ll find that dc is an excellent tool. It can do all the calculations that bc can and it also lets you manipulate the stack directly.
To display values, you must enter the p command. For example, to add and print the sum of 5 and 9, enter